Sunday, September 8, 2013

Poached Egg Tutorial!!!!!

"You win some, you loose some."

That's pretty much how it goes with poaching eggs. Some days I can poach an egg on my first try, other days it takes a great long while to do just one. So needless to say, I'm no expert, but I try my best!

Poached eggs are probably on my top-ten list for favorite foods. They are soooooo delicious and can go with soooooo much. I like to eat mine on top of toasted french bread, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and topped with feta cheese. YUMMM!

Here's what you'll need:
-1 slice of bread of your choosing
-Slotted spoon
-Salt and Pepper
-1 egg (DUH)
-Parmesan or Feta cheese (optional)

1. Fill a saucepan 1/2 full and set on heat

2. Dash a little vinegar into the water. This helps the egg stay tight. (we don't want egg-water!)

3. Crack your egg into a small dish. This makes it easier to pour it into your pan.

4. Bring the water to an almost-boil. That point where you start to see little tiny bubbles. That's when your going to turn the heat down a little so that it's not boiling.

5. Using a rubber spatula, make a whirlpool type of motion in the water with it..

6. Once the whirlpool in good, drop the egg smack down in the center of the whirlpool. If you see chunks flying off of the egg, never fear. It'll be fine. Don't worry :)

7. Cook the egg for 3-4 minutes. A perfectly cooked poached egg should have a little yolk running out of it when you cut into it, but not too much. The white should be very thick. While your lil' eggie is cookin', you can toast your toast.

8. Using your slotted spoon, pick the egg up and drop it onto the paper towel. Once it's dry enough, carefully drop that thang onto yo toast! And....the most fun part....cut into it! Once you cut into it, salt and pepper it and add your cheese if desired. Enjoy!

So fun! hahahaha

Bon appetit!


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